Stream to Facebook

Stream Your HOA/COA Zoom Hybrid Meeting to Facebook

Homeowner Associations in Florida operate under a “Sunshine” law. That means that the homeowners can observe any Board of Directors (BOD) meeting.

Hybrid meetings can show homeowners that their Board of Directors is open and transparent about their decision-making process. This can help to build trust and confidence between the board and homeowners.

Technically, homeowners can talk about any agenda item before the BOD. Even then, homeowners can talk for only a short period of time specifically designated for comments. Homeowners are not entitled to participate in any decisions. The President controls that and has the guidance of the Property Manager.

One feature of Zoom is the capability to stream a hybrid meeting to a Facebook “group.”

If the Association has a Facebook group, and access is controlled to the satisfaction of the BOD, then this could be a great tool to allow homeowners to observe BOD meetings.

Here are two additional things to consider when making the decision to stream an HOA meeting to Facebook:

[1] The size of the community: If your community is large, streaming the meeting through Facebook can be a great way to ensure that all homeowners have a chance to observe.

[2] The level of interest in HOA meetings: if there is a lot of interest in HOA meetings, streaming them can be a great way to increase engagement.

The decision of whether or not to stream HOA meetings is ultimately up to the individual HOA/COA BODs.

Recap: HOA/COA BODs are returning to in-person meetings. Zoom allows an online audience to observe and, when appropriate, participate. HOAs/COAs with a limited-access Facebook group can add that 3rd option for their homeowner members.

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