Preparing for Hybrid Meetings

Erica Dawan, in her book Digital Body Language, said “First, understand that digital meetings demand more preparation than in-person meetings.”

That statement is buried deep in the middle of her book, but it definitely applies to what we do. We plan for simultaneous digital meetings and in-person meetings.

A Hybrid Meeting is actually two meetings in one because it has two different audiences.

DigitalBodyLanguage Edited

Both audiences expect to participate. They expect to hear, speak up, and when necessary, vote.

However, both audiences participate differently. Meeting organizers need to be aware of that and plan the meeting accordingly.

The in-room/in-person audience…

… has a familiar meeting environment. Meeting planners need to be aware of creature comforts, such as seating and water.

The in-person audience often has a screen at the front of the room where PowerPoint slides are projected Visibility and lighting are important.

The audience is able to see the speaker and the people in the room as individuals.

The online/virtual audience…

… has a familiar Zoom meeting environment. Meeting planners do not need to worry about creature comforts, such as seating and water.

This audience has a “window” into the room and can see only what is on their computer or laptop screen.

During the slide show, the virtual audience usually chooses to see the speaker and the shared screen. The technical admin has little control over that.


“Best Practices” suggests that it is a good idea to write a script for the entire event based on the agenda. For example:


7:30 – Registration


7:30 Open doors.




7:30 Disable the waiting room and admit all. Camera view of the entire room.

(Set up space for in-room attendees to chit-chat with online attendees?)

8:00 – Open Meeting

8:00 Dim lights.

Call to Order


8:00 Change the camera view to the podium.

Mute online microphones.

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