Hybrid Meeting Services

Every Meeting is different!

We commit over 5 hours to your meeting. (You can do the math about the cost/value to you.)
Your actual meeting should only last 1-2 hours, max, from gavel to gavel.* We’re there with you!
We budget another 2 hours on site for our pre-meeting setup, testing, and teardown.
Our part actually starts a week out, with another 1 hour of planning, registration, and configuring the meeting.

In-Person | On-Site
$95 per event

Overhead picture of people working with computers on a table.

We come to your meeting location!

We will set up the equipment and verify that it works correctly. We’ll begin with the equipment that you have, then we’ll fill in with what we bring.

We commit over 5 hours to your meeting, including setting up the registration portal, travel time, setup/teardown, and the meeting itself.*

Free | or | $45 per event

There is no additional cost if you have your own equipment.
Otherwise, $45 if we bring and use basic equipment (camera, microphone, tripod, cables, laptop, etc.). Add $50 more for premium equipment (TVs, monitors, additional cameras, microphones or laptops, etc.)

($20 Discount for a new customer’s first time!)

Record Your Meeting

FREE: We will record your meeting to the cloud at your request and/or with your permission. When Zoom finishes processing your video (later in the day) then we will download it and make it available to you.

Edit Your Video

Optional. We will edit the video from your meeting. This includes chopping off the pre- and post-meeting chitchat, adding tiles, and uploading it to a video hosting site. We’ll enhance the audio, and add logos and other graphics if it’s possible.

In-Person| On-Site
Backup Support
$45 per event

It’s your meeting, but you may want to have our experience there as a “safety net.” If something breaks during the meeting, it needs to be back online as quickly as possible!

You set up your meeting on your Zoom account. You set up and connect your own equipment. We’ll be there early if your administrator has any questions during the setup.

We will arrive at least 30 minutes before the meeting and stay until the end. We will jump in to troubleshoot and correct any technical problems during the meeting itself.

Afterwards, you tear down, pack, and store your equipment

Remote | Off-Site
$95 per event

Picture of one person on a laptop attending a virtual meeting.

We will set up/monitor the registration portal, connect up to 30 minutes early, and remain through the entire meeting.

w/Site Survey & Report

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Every Meeting Venue is Different!
Every Budget is Different!

Your specific needs are unique. We can deliver a complete report that you can use to buy equipment, set up your venue, and run your meetings.


  • Hybrid Meeting Support
    • In-Person, on-site – We currently charge $95 per event for your meetings/events inside our service areas.* Our services are actually a $250 value, and we’ll eventually raise our prices to that.
    • In-Person, on-site backup support – After you buy your equipment and train your administrator, you may want us to be present for the next 2-3 meetings. We charge $45 to be there as a safety net and backup for the technical part of your meeting.
    • Remote, off-site – We charge $95 per event even when we only dial in. This is a great option if you need us to manage online participants and record the meeting. Of course, our Zoom account is available to you, too.
    • Recording your meeting – (Don’t expect a Hollywood-quality video.)
      • An unedited copy is available for free.
      • Video editing is not free. For $45 we will trim the unofficial chatter before and after the official meeting, add a thumbnail image, and upload it to the streaming service of your choice.
  • Consultation with a custom report based on our site survey – $45 We will meet with you at your venue for an hour or so, answer your questions, and discuss your expectations. We’ll use our notes to create a customized, printable PDF report and send it to you by email.
  • Equipment rental – If you don’t buy your own equipment, then spend $45 for us to use our gear. ($25 if it’s your first time with us.)
    • We’ll share our Zoom account for free for your meeting. It allows up to 100 online participants.
      • We’ll negotiate the price for numbers above that or for a Zoom webinar..
    • If you need more than basic equipment, plan to pay and additional $50 for TVs or monitors and additional cameras, microphones, tripods, lights, or laptops.
  • Training – We don’t mind training ourselves out of a job, but there are too many variables to post a price here. How much experience does your candidate have in running events and troubleshooting equipment? We offer on-site backup support to help your transition.

* Service Areas
* We plan for meetings to last up to two hours, usually “gavel-to-gavel” plus setup and teardown. Meetings that go beyond that time are subject to a $45 surcharge per hour (or a part of an hour).