Learn From Hybrid Meeting Specialists’ Success Stories
We have been supporting Virtual and Hybrid meetings for over two years. Here are some of our stories about hybrid meetings. Remember, every venue is different. The common elements are a camera, a conference microphone, and a large TV to show the virtual audience.
Hybrid Meeting Specialists brings the experience and extra manpower to make the technology invisible to the meeting leaders and both audiences.
HOA | Home Owner Association Hybrid Meetings
Hybrid Meeting Specialists supports HOA Director meetings.
At our first job in 2021, the property was here in Florida and the Board of Directors included members who were locked down in Canada! Using the interactive features of Zoom meetings, the Directors were able to conduct the Association’s business face-to-face.
Once the property manager was in quarantine. She was able to support the HOA over the Internet even though she was in Florida, too. She joined with her laptop and shared her screen with financial documents.
Hybrid Meeting Specialists provided the equipment.

Veterans | Membership Organizations
Starting in January 2022, a local VFW Post begin working with us to open their monthly meetings to members who are unable to come to a 7:30 pm meeting. In the spring of 2023, the local American Legion post began hybrid meetings, too.
Watch the VFW Commander’s brief to see how they handle votes.
The Adjutant can review the videos to confirm that his meeting notes have not left something out. (Remember, an organization’s secretary presents the minutes for approval at the next meeting.)
The VFW and American Legion bought their own equipment. We set it up, and see that everything works as expected. Then we monitor the online participants to confirm that they are not ignored.
How the technology works is invisible to the leadership and both audiences.
PGS | Pinellas Genealogy Society (Non-Profits)
The Pinellas Genealogy Society moved to virtual meetings and classes shortly after the 2020 lockdown. In the spring of 2021, Florida was beginning to allow residents to gather in ever-increasing numbers. However, PGS had acquired members from as far away as Korea and New Zealand.
In the spring of 2022, PGS moved to Hybrid Meetings (and classes) to accommodate both the local members and the (new) remote members. By the way, some of the local members still prefer to join the events virtually.
The Largo Library has generously provided a high-end camera and audio system. PGS owns the TV display and laptop that connects to the PGS Zoom account. We set up the equipment, confirm that it works, then monitor the virtual audience.
PGS Member Meetings

PGS has monthly meetings, which consist of both a business portion and a program.
In this picture, the admin station is in the front left of the room. The president has left the podium, and the program is underway. (Here, the program speaker is remote, too!)
PGS Classes

PGS continues to hold 1-2 classes per week! With very few exceptions, all PGS classes are now set up for a hybrid audience. (The in-room audiences have varied from one to a dozen.)
In this picture, the instructor is seated with his laptop connected to the projector. He only has to focus on presenting his lesson.